Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sniplet 95. Lukas II (Illiam)

“When I said that Lukas handles things differently than you, it wasn’t supposed to be anything against you.” repeated Illiam. “I was just… I don’t know, Xander. I’m sorry. But I was frustrated. I am frustrated.”
“I’m sorry that I frustrate you.” replied Xander. “And that is not even true about Lukas. But thank you for apologizing.”
Illiam took Xander’s hands in his own. “Frustrated is better than suicidal, depressed and wanting to destroy everything in the universe.”
“Much better?”
Illiam kissed him. “Much better.”
Xander was hot, like touching an open flame, like the inside of the sun. And when they touched Illiam’s brain reassured himself- he’s here, he’s here, he’s back, he’s here.
“What would you have done if the reverse had happened?” asked Illiam.
“I would never have been happy again, not without you.” replied Xander. “You know how lost I am without you. And if you were the one who had died, there would have been no salvation for me. Maëlys would remain an exarch, and you would be lost to me forever. We would have been lost, lost, so lost….”
“You can be happy without me, Xander.” said Illiam. “You were happy before we met.”
“I don’t ever want to leave you. I don’t ever want us to be apart. I want to be with you forever.”
Illiam steps back a little and looks Xander directly in his eyes. “Xander, we will be together forever, or until one of us dies and somehow Maëlys can’t bring us back, or the universe ends, and even then I’ll be with you in that-”
“We will overthrow Father and carve a kingdom from those nightmares.”
Illiam laughed a little, despite himself. He didn’t think that would be possible at all, but it was better to think about than the horrible doom that awaited after the end of the universe. “We can do anything, so long as we’re together.”
“Statistically, we have not-”
“Shut up.” said Illiam, kissing Xander again.
“Maybe it would be better if I said I wasn’t frustrated with you, Xander.” explained Illiam, later, when they were walking to meet the rest of Xander’s family. “More or less the situation and my inability to both rescue you from being killed and to really help you in this situation.”
“You have helped me.” replied Xander. “Illiam, you truly have.”
Illiam stopped walking and turned around. “Do you really think so?”
“Yes, I do.” Xander hesitated. “Recovery is slow but I think that is how those things are. I was there for…. the time is hard to describe. Centuries, maybe, it felt like sometimes.”
“I would be surprised that centuries later you would still care about me.” replied Illiam.
“Thinking about you was my greatest torment but it was the only thing that reminded me of who I was. He constantly tried to make me forget you, and yet there was always something in me that reminded me you were real.”
Xander had told Illiam this before, many times, but every time it… Illiam felt like it was wrong, but it comforted him. Even under the worst torture, Xander thought of him. He was what was most important to him.
It was true for Illiam, too. Xander and their children… the children had been the only thing in the world that had stopped him from joining Xander those horrible months he was gone.
“Do you remember what we talked about last night? Right before you went to sleep?”
“How could I not? We’ve spoken about it many times, but last night…”
Illiam held Xander’s hands in his own. “It’s not really the ideal place. We’re in the middle of a random hallway in my brother’s godzone. It’s not the ideal time. But let’s be real, we’re basically married already, so-”
“I will marry you, Illiam. Of course I will!” Xander wrapped his arms around Illiam, hugging him tightly.
“Well, that’s a complete 360 from before, and usually you wait for the person to ask you first.” Illiam smiled though, he was more amused than anything. “The kids’ll be happy, at least. And your parents.”
“And we will be happy! I don’t think it will change much, but…”
“It’ll just be nice to have it official, right?” said Illiam.
“Two weddings to plan.” said Sebastian, absorbing this information. “Unless you have a double wedding.”
Daniys snorted. “There is absolutely no chance of that. No offense, Xander.”
“None taken.” replied Xander. “I was about to say the same thing. It will be nice to have a day for Illiam and I and the children.”
“Where are Sevvie and Jiro, anyway?” asked Von Wolff. “Oh, and Sasha?”
“They’re in the Imperial Palace, being tutored.” replied Xander. “And I thought it would be safer for them there.”
“Probably smart.” said Daniys. “Damn, I hope they get along with Brigitta’s kids. And I hope Bara gets along with them, too.”
“I dunno, do they like geese?” asked Cassandra, laughing slightly.
“Yeah, that might be a problem.”
“Bara and Sevvie get along well.” said Xander proudly. “Though she has been bitten by one of the geese.”
“We all have.” said Cassandra.
“I can’t believe I’m not the first person you told.” said Elian. He didn’t look upset though, which was relieving for Illiam. “Can I come to the wedding?”
“Of course you’re coming.” sighed Illiam. “You can even be my best man, if you want. Now, where is Lukas?”
“His family wants to find him.” replied Illiam. “Some big family bonding moment or who knows what with them.” Illiam shook his head. “I’m angry at Lukas, and I’m not even related to him. I wouldn't even want to talk to them if I were him.”
Elian smiled at his brother. “Well, I forgave you pretty easy, I didn’t I?”

Author's Note: Tragically, the last part of this story ever published until I dissapeared into a void of Hyperion and Ziv. 
Word Count: 967 words
Date: July 23rd. The calm before the stor[y/m]

Sniplet 94. Lukas II (Daniys)


Daniys bit down into a sandwich. “I didn’t think a god zone would have a cafeteria,” she said, after swallowing the bite. “I thought there would be some sort of god kitchen and a giant dining room.” “Hundreds of thousands of people live or are temporarily staying here.” replied Sebastian.“I thought it was millions.” said Von Wolff.“I don’t know.” confessed Sebastian. “I should, but the number is a lot and it keeps changing. Plus I don’t really deal with the things on the Elian half of the zone. I mean, I know a lot about them, but the Maëlys-zone is the place I’m charge of.” “If you’re in charge, shouldn’t you know how many people live there?” asked Daniys.Sebastian sighed. “Look. It’s hard to do a census, you know? And we have been making good progress moving the Azeren refugees to permanent homes. In fact, I’ve heard that the Azeren at the north pole are considering establishing a country thanks to all the new citizens. Cassandra, thank your husband for all the druidic help. Where is, by the way?”“Managing things in the palace, or so I’ve been told.” replied Cassandra. “He’s really sorry that he can’t come visit me, but right now he’s the only one in the palace who can do it since both Anya and Helorie are gone and Kir is useless for that sort of thing. He said Esfir might come over in a bit and he’ll come over.” “That’s nice of him.” said Sebastian. “Helorie and Anya should be getting back to the palace soon, don’t you think? I don’t think there’s really any reason for them to stay here any longer.” “Well, I mean, Helorie had to heal me, and I think he said he was going to find Anya after that.” replied Cassandra. “So maybe they’ll come back soon and Danill can come here, or I’ll go home.” She sighed and picked at a salad with a fork. “I don’t really know if I want to come back to the palace. I guess it is home, but…”“You and Bara can stay here as long as you want!” quickly said Sebastian. “I mean, Lukas has been staying here for months.” “Thanks, dad.” said Cassandra. “I think I’d like to start research into this spell thing or whatever it was that called all this, or maybe the process they used on my arm.” “Oh!” said Sebastian. “While I’m thinking of it, Elian said there’s a giant monster in the earth that can’t be killed. How would you deal with it? We’re just trying to come up with ideas.” “Can you turn it to stone?” asked Cassandra.“Get someone bigger to eat it.” offered Daniys.“It can teleport.” said Sebastian. “And it’s very big. But the stone thing might work.” “Get someone bigger to eat it and sync the teleportation.” continued Daniys. “Build it a big prison and put anti-teleportation stuff on it. Teach it how to love. Yeah, you know what, that’s it. Make another giant monster and have them fall in love.”“It’s an idea….” said Sebastian, seemingly considering this as an idea.“You’ve spent too long with Kalev.” said Von Wolff. “They would have thousands of baby monsters and those would destroy the world.” Sebastian laughed. “You’re just upset I’m not considering your brilliant idea, ‘Piss the monster off enough that it flies away and attacks another planet.’ At best that would mean devastation for Kenisal, and at worst it would just make it want to kill us more.” “I’m still giving Maëlys that idea. I think it’s good.” “I’m getting married.” very suddenly said Daniys.“What?” exclaimed Sebastian. “I… Daniys?!” “That came out of nowhere.” said Cassandra.“I’ve been meaning to tell you all for weeks.” said Daniys. “I just haven’t…found the right time.”“I don’t think that was it.” said Von Wolff.Daniys shrugged. “Yeah, I realize that, but I had to say it. Look, wow, that’s over, I told you.” “I didn’t even know you were dating someone, Daniys!” Sebastian looked very confused. “Why haven’t you introduced us to her before?” “I don’t know.” said Daniys. “Well, I do know. Look at our family, dad. We’ve got an angel exarch, three of the greatest alchemical researchers of all time, a somewhat reformed murder-god, Ehimay, a transphobic asshole who I am going to have to very carefully introduce to Brigitta-”“Brigitta? Is that her name?” asked Sebastian.Daniys took a breath. “Yeah. She’s retired military, married once, has seven kids.”Sebastian’s eyes gleamed with the possibility of seven new grandchildren. Step-grandchildren, sure, but did it really matter? “We have to meet her, Daniys. I mean, I- I want to meet her. If that’s alright.”“She wants to meet you all, too.” said Daniys, hesitantly. “Maybe when things die down here, I can bring her over?”“Things never die down here.” said Von Wolff. “That’s not a thing that happens.”“It’s just….” Daniys sighed, putting her head in her hands. “I don’t worry a lot about things. Or I try not to. But let’s not pretend like what happened here today isn’t a typical day in our family.” “I lost an arm,” said Cassandra. “Usually we can…. we can fix things like that.” “Maybe we won’t meet up here.” said Sebastian, thinking aloud. “Bad things tend to happen here. I suppose it’s a major target...”“Oh, yeah, we’ll just bring the whole family to some restaurant and pretend to be normal.” replied Daniys.“We could always try it once.” said Von Wolff with a shrug. “Hard to get Xander and Illiam in a restaurant, though. They’re hard to miss.” “And I’m not?” asked Sebastian. “True, I guess.”“That’s it, too.” said Daniys. “Brigitta spent so many years of her life opposing Xander.”“Yes, well, so have I, and I raised him.” replied Sebastian. “That’s true. That’s true. And you’re assuming Illiam would be there?”“I mean, he’s basically your brother in law now. I don’t know if he and Xander are planning to get “married”-” Von Wolff put air quotes around married, “but let’s be real. They live together, they’re both emperors of Hell, they have three kids together.”“Speak of the devil.” said Cassandra. Xander and Illiam were approaching the table, holding hands and looking like their argument was over, or at least paused for now. “Hello! That’s me!” said Xander. “Unless you mean the figure of speech, in which case you are also probably talking about me.” “I’m getting married, Xander.” said Daniys. Xander and Illiam looked at each other, and Illiam smiled softly. “Us too.” said Illiam. “Us too.”

Author's Note: This font is off because I posted this whole thing in a comment and it made it real small. a real little boy (story) 
Length: 1,105 words. a real little boy (story)
Date: July 22nd, 2015

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sniplet 93. Lukas II (Cassandra)

“I lost my arm?” asked Cassandra. “Helorie, why can’t you just grow it back? Is it like how it was with Dmitri?”
“No.” replied Helorie. “I couldn’t repair Dmitri’s limbs because they were gone for too long. These wounds look… infected, somehow. With something designed to prevent healing magic. The only thing I can do is cut out the wounds and regenerate, but even then, it….”
Cassandra looked at the patch of strange grey flesh on her body. It smelled horrible and rotten, like a tomb. “So really we should just put a prosthetic on.”
“That, or I could give you a magical item to counteract the smell and we could… we could see what happened.”
Cassandra looked at her arm. “I don’t know. Would a prosthetic… would it be easy to re-learn sign language with?”
“I don’t know.” replied Helorie. “They do get quite some getting used to. But if a limb… does grow, then there could be the same difficulty.”
Cassandra looked at her working arm. It was her left, which was her dominant hand, which at least made things a little easier. She would still be able to write, and there were a lot of USL one-handed signs or variations she could sign one-handed. But still, without her other hand she’d always need a lab assistant and preparing potions would be difficult, at best. Not to mention spellcasting, and reading, and…
She took a deep breath.
“Regenerate it.”
The pain was incredible. A nurse had cast a spell on her that temporarily removed her sense of pain, but it hadn’t worked or it had gone wrong or something. Because she was screaming (crying) begging (please)
(feel it running down the arm)
(there is something living there besides you)
(it is growling, screaming, the bones are-)
Helorie wiped the sweat from his head and looked down at the arm. Cassandra lifted it, carefully, looking surprised she even could.
“It’s hard to keep straight.” she told Helorie. “It feels…. well, not heavy. But it’s a lot of effort to keep it rigid.”
“Release the effort. I want to see what happens.” replied Helorie.
The arm sagged, it was curved, but then it curved up again and the hand was kept roughly in the same place. Cassandra shuddered.
“Yes, that is disconcerting.” said Helorie. “Here, put this on, I can make you a smaller one later, but it’s what we had in the palace vaults.”
Helorie handed Cassandra a thin bracelet. She put it on with her left hand and the smell vanished, making the air of the room so much more breathable. “Thank you.”
Helorie looked at the arm, gently touching it, inspecting it. “Honestly, Cassandra, if you change your mind about the arm….”
“Thank you.” said Cassandra. “But I don’t think I will.”
“Alright then.” said Helorie. “Um, lots of people are outside to see you.”
Von Wolff looked at Cassandra’s arm. He looked terrified. It wasn’t a look that Cassandra had seen on her father’s face often. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“It’s… it reminds me of the other Lukas. Three Horns Lukas. The way it… moves.” He looked at Helorie. “Is it too late to give her a metal arm?”
“I’m fine with this one.” said Cassandra. “It will just get some getting used to! And where is Lukas, anyway? I’d like to talk to him?”
Sebastian sighed. “None of us have seen him since the whole incident ended. I think Maëlys brought him back from the dead.”
Bara tapped her mother’s arm to get her attention, then asked, “Will you still be able to sign with the new arm?”
Cassandra smiled and signed back, her right hand slow and clumsy, “I think I still can. Not as good though.”
“We’ll have to practice!” replied Bara.
Cassandra reached over and rustled her daughter’s hair with her left hand before signing back, “We will.”
“Did Lukas even apologize to you?” asked Von Wolff, sitting down on the only chair in the room.
“When would he have a chance to, dad?” replied Cassandra.
Von Wolff shrugged. “That’s true, I guess.”
“Do you guys want me to hunt him down and drag him in here?” said Daniys. “I honestly think he should have a chance to talk about what he did and why. And why the hell the alternate set of memories had such a big rift between me and the rest of the family? Like, does Lukas secretly hate me or something?”
Sebastian hugged Daniys, which she really wasn’t expecting, but she hugged her father back. “I don’t know, but I want you to know that how we thought of you in those memories has nothing to do with reality!”
Daniys smiled. “Yeah, I know. I love you, dad.”
“I love you too.” said Sebastian, and he squeezed Daniys once before pulling away.
Cassandra was happy to see her family mostly altogether and getting over their issues. “Where’s Xander?”
“He’s with Illiam, watching Evelin, but I think I might switch off with him.” said Von Wolff. “He said he wanted to come and visit you.”
“I’d appreciate that.” said Cassandra. She looked to her sister. “What’s with guys in our family and making terrible decisions?”
Daniys shrugged. “Who knows? And you’re saying I haven’t?”
“Okay, but nothing like this.”
Sebastian reached down and covered Dominik’s ears where they were sitting in their carrier. “Don’t give him any ideas, you two. You’re going to make good decisions like your sisters, do you hear, Dominik?”
“No murdering gods, no punting babies, no casting spells that fundamentally alter reality.” said Von Wolff to his child. “Do you hear that?”
Dominik just smiled and shook their rattle.

Author's Note: Anooooother fucking story begun and never completed. This one was going to be really good, too! Family drama! All the Neslines together! I can finally have all the characters! Xilliam proposal!
But no, my attention was drawn by my secret project and I entered her beautiful lair. A lair of many words but no progress at all on this story.
This story is actually canon.
Word Count: 945 words
Date: July 22nd, 2015

Sniplet 92. The Parent Trap 8: It Return [Parent Trap]

“Lunch!” proclaimed Sebastian. “Lunch for a full house. Elian, Illiam, will you two be eating today?”
“Sure.” replied Illiam.
“Whenever you’re making anything!”
“It’s just going to be sandwhiches.” replied Sebastian, slicing the bread.
“Is there anything we can do to help, grandfather?” asked Ilarion.
“No, but thank you.” said Sebastian. “Or, oh, actually, maybe, you could get the dishes from the cabinet? That one.” he pointed with the hand that wasn’t chopping bread.
“We’ll help get some too.” said Sevvie.
“And maybe the glasses?” suggested Sebastian. “In the cupboard next to them.” The bread now sliced, he started putting ham and other toppings on the sandwiches, leaving room for people to add their own. Illarion had brought over the plates, and Sebastian started putting done sandwiches onto the plates. Elian and Illiam came forward to grab sandwiches, and Xander waited patiently for everyone to have had theirs before he got anything. Sebastian found that odd, but it was a habit he’d had ever since marrying Akim. His son had been different ever since marrying that man. In little ways, mostly, but ones that Sebastian still easily noticed.
Once the sandwiches were done, Sebastian reached into his magically chilled closet and brought out the juices. “I have juice, milk, and wine. What does everyone want?”
“Do you have any water?” asked Elian.
“No, though I could go get some?”
Elian shrugged. “What sort of juice is it?”
“Papaya or apple.”
“I’ll have papaya.”
“Sure, me too.” said Illiam.
“Can I have wine?” asked Serafina.
“Serafina, I am going to veto that.” said Xander. “Perhaps later.”
Serafina sighed. “Awwww.”
Helorie sat next to Sebastian, not eating because he was unable to eat. Illiam was the only one who had put lettuce into his sandwich. Sebastian let out a contented sigh as he ate his own sandwich. “I’ll have to think of what to cook with all of you here tonight. Seraphina, Xander, I’ll show you two your rooms after lunch. I hope that you can stay a while.”
“I’d just want to stay here forever if I could.” stated Seraphina.
Xander looked worriedly to his child. “Seraphina, you do not mean that. You’d want to go back to the palace eventually.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” said Seraphina. “If I could stay here and father wouldn’t take me away, I would. Papa, you and I could just stay there.”
“That would cause a major diplomatic incident.” replied Xander, resting his head on his hands. “Seraphina, please.”
“Are you really that sad in the palace?” asked Elian.
“I just like it so much more better here.”
“Well, we can’t all do just what we want to do, Seraphina.” said Xander, staring at his hands. “if we did, the world would be a… a very different place. You have your responsibilities at the palace, and so do I. We can stay here for a few days, yes, but soon we’ll have to…” He looked up from his hands and into the distance. “We’ll have to return.”
It was silent for several moments. Nobody really knew what was the appropriate response to that. Sebastian considered completely changing the topic, or “accidentally” casting a spell to unleash the peacocks into the house. He knew that Xander wanted this, wanted this so badly- he’d asked him for it- but also knew that he couldn’t have it for very long. It was something that Xander desperately needed, and honestly, Sebastian wished he could have for the rest of his life. It made Sebastian feel terrible to see his son so exhausted, and yet having to tell his daughter they both couldn’t have something that they both wanted.
Finally, Seraphina sighed. “Father’s never going to let us leave home ever again.”
“He may never might.” agreed Xander.
Xander sat outside, watching Seraphina and the other children talk after lunch on the other side of the garden. He was simply on a bench, thinking to himself of what he had said. That honestly he wanted badly to just stay here with Seraphina and never go back to the palace. And that his father had told him to uncover the secrets of the mystery children, Sevvie and Jiro.
Honestly, his theory was that they were somehow Daniys’s children. How would it work? He didn’t know. Why did they look like Elian? There were a lot of blonde people in the world, it could be a coincidence. Sure, the facial features were pretty similar, but…
“Can I sit here?” asked Illiam.
Xander looked up at Illiam. “Of course.” Illiam sat down and Xander moved over slightly to allow the man full room.
After a moment, Illiam said, “I want to leave the palace sometimes too, you know. Take Illarion somewhere… somewhere else. I don’t know where. Somewhere like here, I guess. I didn’t actually tell Kir I was leaving, he’s still asleep. Maybe he’ll come over later. I hope he won’t.”
It was quiet for an awkward moment before Xander finally said, with a small laugh, “Don’t marry Alkavovs, I guess.”
Illiam, after a moment, laughed as well. “Someone should have had given us that advice years ago, huh?”
Xander quickly corrected himself. “Not that I regret… certain things. Not that I regret Seraphina at all.”
“Same with Ilarion.” lied Illiam. Then he felt horrible. He knew that he regretted bringing Illarion into the world for selfish reasons, but.. well, Illarion was his son. He supposed it was more accurate to say- or er, think- that he had regrets about how things had happened. Regrets that Illarion wasn’t brought into this world without motive.
“But were her father a different person, a far kinder person, I would not mind at all.” finished Xander.
“But then she’d be a different person, wouldn’t she?” asked Illiam.
Xander shrugged. “I mean in an imaginary world.”
Seraphina stared at her father and Illiam sitting on a bench across the garden. Thankfully, she couldn’t hear them talking from here, though she was wondering what they were talking about. Finally, she turned around to see Sevvie and Jiro.
“I’m just going to stay here.” she finally announced. “If they want to take me away, I’ll be kicking and screaming.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” said Illarion.
“I know it’s not.” said Serafina. “Which is why I shall do it.”
Sevvie and Jiro were fixiated on their parents talking to each other. They weren’t married in this world, but the way they looked at each other…
“We’ve gotta plan to get the dads alone somehow.” decided Sevvie.
“Maybe Great-Uncle Helorie can somehow help?” asked Illarion.
Sevvie nodded, slowly. “We can get him to get Grandpa and Uncle Elian out. Then we’ll hike it out of here. And they’ll be all alone.”
“Being alone is one thing, but then what?” asked Jiro.
“We’ll have to figure out a second step.” said Illarion. “Maybe get them to do something romantic together.”
“Eew… like kiss.” said Sevvie.
“That’s skipping a few steps.” said Ilarion. “They’ve probably got to talk first, and….” Illarion hesitated. He really didn’t know what the other steps were. “I don’t know. Give each other…. flowers?”
“There’s lotsa flowers here.” said Sevvie. “They’ll have all the flowers they want.”
“That’s true.” said Illarion. “So I think they’ll be good on that step.”
Helorie chuckled slightly. “You want me to somehow convince Sebastian to leave your parents at home?”
“Please, Great-Uncle Helorie, can you help us?” asked Illarion. “We really think this is a good plan.”
“This is what we were sent to this world to do.” said Sevvie. “And probably once we do it a big ol’ portal will open up back to our reality and we’ll wave g’bye and cry and our dads will probably be really relieved to see us again because it’s been at least two days and they probably think we were kidnapped or something.”
Helorie was honestly more than a little ready to set up Xander and Illiam together. Xander was quite miserable with Akim, and honestly, Illiam wasn’t right for Kir either. “Alright. I’ll suggest to Sebastian an activity, something that Xander would hate.”
“Horse-looking.” suggested Sevvie.
“I don’t really know if that’s an activity.” said Helorie.
“Horse-smelling.” tried Sevvie again.
“Again, not really a thing people do.”
“What about horse-racing?” offered Jiro.
“Yes. That’s a real thing. Alright, I think that could be fun. But also a thing Xander would not enjoy. I’ll suggest it tonight.”
“Horse racing?” asked Elian. “Wow, I’ve never been. Didn’t know if they had it here in Xiaomen.”
“I’ve been once or twice.” said Sebastian. “It’s nice, but it doesn’t really capture the thrill of a far superior racing sport- ostrich racing.”
“I’d like to go.” said Illiam. “Maybe bet on a horse or two.”
Xander was visibly sweating. “Horse? Races?”
“You don’t have to go, papa.” said Seraphina. “Maybe someone could stay home with you?”
But Xander didn’t go along. No, instead he stood up firmly. “I will go. I would not want to inconvenience anyone. I will look at the horses. Running… trotting… standing….”
Xander stood up for several moments, shuddering, before Sebastian offered, “What about ostrich racing instead? It’s truly an exciting sport.”
“I thought of that,” lied Helorie, “But there is no ostrich racing in Xiaomen.”
“Damnit.” said Sebastian. “Oh, sorry children! Darn it! Well, I suppose it can’t be helped. Xander, are you sure you want to try it.”
“Yes. I’ll overcome my fears.” said Xander. “And if I don’t, you will be right there.”

Author's Note: We ended on such a frigging cliffhanger! Will Xander overcome his fear of the animals known as horses? But then it just sort of.... drops off. I think this might be the thing I'll write next after completing the upload of all this shit and my 47-part analysis. 
Word Count: 1586 words
Date: April 28th, 2016 

Sniplet 91. Return to the Silver Fire AU (1) [SF AU]

Sebastian stood in his garden, his grandchildren Sevvie and Jiro sitting on a bench across from him. “Alright, this is going to be your first lesson in shapeshifting. Sevvie, you can shapeshift a little, right? Jiro, have you ever shapeshifted before?”
Jiro shook his head. “No, not unless regeneration counts.”
“Well, actually, most Tef heal themselves through shapeshifting,” replied Sebastian. “So your body must be doing so automatically.”
“So all Tef are totally resistant to physical harm like me?” asked Jiro.
Sebastian shook his head. “Oh, goodness, no. Not at all. Okay, so for the first part of this, we will be absorbing a DNA sample. I have brought over Callistus and Kevin for this. Please pick up one of them.” Sebastian picked up his own peacock to demonstrate, Louis. “Hold your peacock gently, being sure to support his bottom. Oh, Sevvie, no.” Sevvie had grabbed Callistus too tightly for Sebastian’s comfort. “A little looser with Callistus.”
Jiro looked down at Kevin, a little afraid to pick up such a large and magnificent bird. Plus, Kevin was so rowdy… Well, he supposed he had to try. Lifting up Kevin, being sure to support his bottom like his grandfather said, the peacock made a sound that Jiro hoped was approving. After a moment of hesitation, Jiro pet the peacock, gently stroking the bird’s neck, and Kevin did not bite Jiro. Not this time.
“There, there!” said Sebastian. He smiled at Jiro, and Jiro did his best to smile back. “Alright, everyone, now what you want to do is focus on absorbing your peacock’s DNA. You need to focus on absorbing it in order for it to enter your body. Imagine it. Visualize it.”
Jiro attempted to imagine the peacock’s DNA, a double helix like he’d seen his textbook. He imagined this double helix somehow entering his body, and suddenly his body felt… weird. He almost dropped Kevin, but managed to hold onto the peacock. Sebastian’s eyes widened. “You felt it, didn’t you, Jiro? “
Jiro nodded. “I felt something, at least.”
“Alright, that’s good!” said Sebastian, putting Louis down. Jiro did the same, releasing Kevin. Sevvie was still stroking Callistus, who began to squawk loudly, a familiar sound around Sebastian’s home. “Now, I want you to focus on the peacock. I want you to think about how your body is made up of the DNA you have from your fathers right now, and how your body can be made up of any of the DNA you’ve absorbed, anything at all. Now, when you’ve partially shapeshifted, your clothes will absorb into your bodies. When you return back to any human form, they’ll come back.”
Jiro tried to imagine himself shapeshifting, becoming a peacock. He imagined Kevin as himself, himself as Kevin. Two Kevins.
But after several minutes of concentration, Jiro was still himself, and not a peacock, like Sevvie was. She was gleefully flying around the garden, doing magnificent jumps, occasionally fanning out her massive tail. The other peacocks stared at her, not sure what she was doing.
Jiro finally let out a sigh. “I can’t do it.”
Sebastian reached over and patted Jiro. “It can take a while to master this skill, dear.”
Sevvie flew over and turned into her human form once more. “Why don’t you try something easier, Jiro? Like changing your hair color?”
“Actually, partial transformation is a lot harder than full transformation, Sevvie.” said Sebastian.
Sevvie shrugged. “I’ve always found it a lot easier. But whatever.”
Jiro tried that as well, but it didn’t work either. Sebastian shrugged. “It will take a while to practice, Jiro, so you need to just keep trying. Why don’t you try a little longer, and I’ll get dinner ready?”
Jiro was sitting in his room later that night, thinking about everything that had happened in his life in the past few weeks. A new school, a new home, meeting all his relatives. He had never been happier in his entire life.
And yet, he didn’t feel completely happy. Sometimes Jiro felt like he had stolen someone else’s life, someone else’s happiness. Jiro Ashbur-Nesline felt like someone else than Jiro Sargeant, someone whose life he’d stepped into. It was so strange to have people who cared about him, people who were nice to him, that it almost felt wrong. He felt worried that one moment he would wake up from this dream, or they’d find the real Jiro, and abandon him back to his old life.
“Jiro! Seeeeeva!” called out Sebastian. “Dinner’s ready!”
Jiro came down the stairs to the dining room where his grandfathers were waiting. “Chicken, jasmine rice, and fruit salad!” announced Sebastian proudly.
“It smells delicious.” said Jiro, and Sebastian smiled as he sat down at the table, putting food on a plate for his husband. Sebbie and Jiro started putting their food on their plates.
Once they were all seated, Sebastian asked, “So, Jiro did you have any luck trying to transform?”
“No.” replied Jiro sadly. “I really wish I could do it, but I can’t transform at all.”
“Just keep trying and I’m sure you’ll get it.” said Sebastian, attempting his best to be encouraging.
Georg sighed and shrugged his shoulders as he speared an apple on his fork. “Honestly, Jiro, you’re a little young to even have powers, let alone as many as you have. I don’t understand Tef, but you’re already doing great.”
Jiro felt like his grandfather was trying to be supportive by this, but honestly it didn’t make him feel any better. He was a Tef, and should be able to do the basic things that Tef usually did. Even if he could shapeshift slightly, he would be happy with himself. Feel less like a horrible mistake had been made.
Jiro just ate an orange and nodded.
It was silent for several long moments, then finally, Sevvie said, “I have something I wanted to ask you about.” said Sevvie. “Grandpa, the next time you visit our dads, can you bring us to see them?”
“What?” asked Sebastian. “Oh, um, Seva, I don’t think you understand. If I could visit your fathers, I would bring you both, but I’m not allowed to visit them.”
“What?” asked Sevvie. “That can’t be true. They don’t let you visit them?”
“They’re not allowed visitors at all.” said Sebastian. “I haven’t seen them at all since their imprisonment. I don’t even really know where they’re being kept.”
Sevvie scatched her nails on the table. “That can’t be true. I don’t believe it. You have to have some idea.”
“Ideas, yes,” replied Sebastian. “But concrete facts? Definitely, no.”
“So what, we’ll probably never be able to visit them, as long as we live?”
Sebastian nodded in reply, looking down at his rice. “Yes. And I know that’s horrible to hear, but the sooner you accept it, the sooner you’ll… well, not be able to get over it, but…”
And then he didn’t say anything. Georg lightly put an arm over his husband’s shoulders, and he didn’t say anything.
And there was yet another long, awkward silence, as Sevvie stared at her grandfathers, who looked like they were about to cry any moment, and Jiro attempted to eat his salad.
Sevvie looked like she had a thought, and then stifled it. Opening and closing her mouth. she finally seemed like she’d formed a reply when Sebastian’s phone rang.
And Sebastian suddenly sprung to attention, grabbing the phone before the ringtone had even completed one cycle. It was a sound that reminded Jiro of crystal bells. “Dmitri. I’m having dinner right now?” Jiro had never heard precisely who Dmitri was before, but he’d heard his name before in conversation. He had been sort of wondering who he was.
Jiro couldn’t hear Dmitri’s reply, but it made Sebastian stand up. “I’m going to change right now. Georg, you change too.”
“Can we come too?” asked Sevvie.
Sebastian stared at Sevvie. “Sevvie, we’re not even sure yet what’s happening.”
“Whatever it is, let them come!” said Georg. “It’s valuable training experience. Finding out shit. Reacting to strange situations.”
Sebastian sighed. “Alright. Sevvie, Jiro, please, as fast as you can, change into your temporary costumes.” Jiro and Sevvie hadn’t had permanent costumes designed for them yet, but they had been given basic bodysuits and masks for training purposes. “And get ready to fly.”
Glamour hadn’t summoned his usual chariot, instead creating what was easily the flashiest plane that Sevvie or Jiro had ever seen. “We need speed right now.” he explained. “And it’s easier to believe that a plane is going at supersonic speeds than a chariot pulled by peacocks.”
“Is this plane safe?” asked Sevvie.
“Well, if it isn’t, you’ll have to transform into a peacock very quickly.” replied Glamour. “Jiro, I’ll try to catch you.”
“I’ll just superharden my skin or some shit.” said the Optimizer.
“No, I’ll survive.” said Jiro.
“We’re not sure about that, and I don’t want to take any chances.”
Jiro nodded slightly and entered the plane, sitting in one of the back seats. Sevvie sat next to him, and buckled her seatbelt. Glamour sat in the pilot’s seat, beginning to flick switches and the like to start the plane. “Alright, everyone, you will want to close your eyes for this part.”
Jiro did, and by the time he opened them again, the plane was up in the air, soaring through the skies.
Glamour was in the descent when he got another call from Starmaster. He grew two additional arms and took the call with them. “Listen, I’m almost there.”
“Just wanted to tell you the aliens are now leaving the spaceship. Once they’re fully out Druid’s gonna try to communicate with them. But I want to see if you recognize them.”
“I doubt I will.” replied Glamour. “Everyone, your parachutes are deployed right now. I’m going to suspend this construct in…. 3…. 2….”
“I just thought we were going to land!” yelled Jiro, panicked, as his grandfather shouted-
Jiro nearly panicked mid-air as the plane vanished and he was gliding down towards a large city landscape, almost 300 feet up in the air. The parachute instantly opened, and as Jiro stopped screaming he could clearly see the strings that attached his parachute to Glamour’s hands, and that all of the parachutes, save for the one Glamour wore himself, were somehow attached to him.
They were landing in a large intersection where a spaceship had crashed. The spaceship had an odd scaly quality to it, Jiro could see even from this height. And he could almost… he could almost read it. Like he read people.
The four landed on the ground about 20 feet from the spaceship, and before Jiro could catch his breath, he noticed that Starmaster was hovering towards them. Jiro had met some very famous superheroes, but Starmaster? He was supposed to be one of the most powerful! He was a tall black man with short hair and a nearly all black costume- a classic bodysuit and domino mask, stars decorating the whole costume. Now that Jiro could see him in person, he noticed something about his arms. They seemed… weird, in comparison to the rest of him. Like he was wearing body armor beneath his costume. Beams of glistening white energy from his hands propelled him steadily off the ground.
The text over his head was wierd for Jiro. It was in a strange white glistening font. It almost hurt to look at. But Jiro could read them, and they said, “So these are Sebbie’s grandkids? Emperor and Nightvision Jrs.”
So was their grandfather’s friend Dmitri Starmaster? That seemed like the most likely case…
Starmaster smiled at the four of them. “So, Glamour, you brought the grandkids on a mission?”
“Yes.” said Glamour. “This is Heiress, and, um, my grandson, who’s going to be Rainbow Vision’s sidekick very soon.”
“I’ve been thinking about White Vision?” offered Jiro, and Starmaster momentarily lost control of his hovering as he doubled over in laughter. Glamour pressed a hand to his forehead.
“J- Darling, I would strongly not recommend that name. What about Light Vision?”
“Prismo, Seer, Visionary?” offered Starmaster after he regained control.
“What about just Prism?” asked Jiro. “Er, not sure if I’ll stay with it, or-”
“For now it’s good.” said Starmaster. “Okay, Glamour, Optimizer, Prism, Heiress. Hi. The current situation is that we’ve got a downed spaceship. Doesn’t match any known X`lanthian or Vaey design.” He then, softer, added: “Or Tef.”
Glamour now looked at the ship. “I don’t recognize it, either. Not that I know much about species in this area of space besides the ones you just mentioned.”
“Um.” said Jiro. “I think the spaceship is alive.”
Starmaster looked at Jiro curiously. “Why do you think that?”
“I have the power to read things.” replied Jiro. “Mostly people. Sometimes text- like the intentions the author had, the psychic imprint- but mostly people. And it seems more like people words than word words.”
Starmaster nodded, looking at the ship. “It does look pretty organic. I suspect you could be right. How does your power work? Can you do us a reading on the aliens when they come out?”
“I can try.” replied Jiro. “It, um, doesn’t work on other Tef. Sometimes it works on X`lanthians, though it’s… weird when I try them. I’ve never met a Vaey, so I’ve never tried it on them.”
Starmaster smiled, perfect white teeth shining. “Trying’s good enough for me. Just curious, does it work on me?”
“Yes, but you’re wierd.” replied Jiro. “It’s like… sparkling? Like someone threw glitter over your thoughts.”
“Holy fuck does he read minds” changed the words over Starmaster’s head and Jiro shrunk back a little. “Uh, do you read thoughts, kid?” asked Starmaster, this time in real life.
“It’s a little like that. Mostly I read surface things, intentions, it’s most useful on lies, honestly. I can tell why people have reactions. And I can sometimes get a general grasp of personality. Um, I’ve never seen glitter before, so I don’t know what that means.”
Starmaster relaxed slightly, but his words changed to: “I bet he did hear me panic. I bet he’s reading this now. Hi, kid.” Jiro smiled slightly at that. Starmaster opened his mouth to reply, and suddenly, Celeste, his wife, landed next to him, patting him gently on the shoulder and pointing towards the spaceship with one gloved hand. “Look! They’re finally emerging!”
Druid was there too. It was like the whole family was there. Jiro hoped he’d get to see Nebula next. He was the one responsible for saving his uncle’s life and all. Extending a hand to the aliens and speaking in a voice that permeated all languages, he said: “Visitors, you’ve arrived on the planet Earth. Though your spaceship has crashed, we wish to use this opportunity to introduce ourselves and hopefully create long-lasting and mutual peace between our peoples.”
And then, high-pitched, excited burbling from one of the emerging creatures. Jiro had never seen anything like it before. It was a soft purple, with many tentacles, and distinctly non-humanoid. In fact, it was somewhat slug-like, somewhat octopus-like in shape, nearly 8 feet tall, had large membranous wings and a large dome of a head, multiple faces with multiple mouths on it. The mouths all made sounds at once, and after a moment, a tentacle extended and wrapped around Druid’s hand.
“That’s wonderful. It’s very nice to meet you. I am known as Druid, and I am one of the many humans who have abilities not shared by all humans and who use them for the betterment of society, known as superheroes. We hope that Earth and Kenisal can have a long-lasting, healthy relationship.”
More burbling. Other creatures emerged. Many had that sort of sluggish, sort of cephalopoden body shape, but they all looked quite different. Some of them approached Starmaster and the others, attempting to speak to them in their language.
Starmaster shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, folks, I don’t speak alien. You’ll want to talk to my son if you want to speak to… well, anyone.”
Jiro was overwhelmed trying to read these strange aliens. He could read them, sort of? But when he tried to understand what he was seeing, instead of words he got bright flashes of unexplainable imagery, snippets of far-off song, tastes from nowhere. He blinked, trying his very best to understand, but he simply couldn’t. The imagery was simply overwhelming.
And then suddenly one of them spoke in a language and Glamour’s eyes went wide. And he replied in that language, much to the surprise of everyone.
“I guess someone speaks alien.” said Starmaster in a low voice.
“He is an alien, after all.” replied the Optimizer. Glamour elbowed his husband while not stopping the conversation, even in the slightest.
Starmaster smiled at this scene. “Well, um, peace on Earth and all that. There isn’t going to be a Human-um, what did my husband say? Kenisalian? war. Bless.”
“You might want to hesitate before you make such sudden statements.” It was Nebula! Somehow he was being projected from a patch on Starmaster’s costume that looked identical to the rest before it started projecting a hologram of Nebula, sitting at a chair. “Satellites just picked up a second spaceship that just passed the moon. Badly damaged, doesn’t look like the pilots have control. Based on current trajectory, it’ll crash in the middle of downtown Vancouver. Similar construction but vastly different design to the first.”
“How far’s Vancouver from here?” asked Starmaster hurriedly.
“About a hundred miles.” replied Nebula.
“Fuck.” swore Starmaster. He touched Glamour on the shoulder. “Glamour, did you hear that? We need to move!”
Glamour blinked. “Oh? What?”
“Spaceship about to crash in Vancouver!”
Glamour thought quickly. He asked the aliens a quick question, then turned to Starmaster. “Not them. Their enemies. Their ship crashed because of a fight that spread into this solar system.”
“Can you make us a jet to get to Vancouver in… how long do we have, Nebula?”
“Not very long.” replied Nebula. “Less than ten minutes.”
Glamour waved a hand furtively. “Who’s all coming?”
“I’ll stay here.” said The Optimizer. “Heiress, you and I should hang out. Take Prism and Starmaster of course.”
Starmaster nodded. “Neb, tell Celeste to meet us there, okay?”
Nebula sighed. “Alright, if you insist. I’m sending out Nova to your current location, too.”
The jet reappeared, somehow sleeker, less ridiculous. Glamour hopped in the pilot’s seat, and Starmaster sat next to him, Jiro in the back once more.
He waved goodbye to Sevvie- no, Heiress, he had to think of her as Heiress in these costumes-, who looked like she wanted to poke an alien. She smiled back at him, and then suddenly the jet took off, fucking over the laws of how Jiro thought that jets were supposed to work as it took off into the air at an angle that was seemingly impossible. Jiro was deeply glad he hadn’t eaten much dinner.
Nearly eight minutes, and they were booking it, over Vancouver airspace now, looking for the spaceship that was in the sky. “Alright, once we’re in position, I’m going to transform the jet.” replied Glamour. “Ask Nebula for visuals on where the spaceship is now.”
“Nebula can hear you just fine, Glamour.” replied Nebula. “Two minutes from impact. Slowing down significantly. Will enter the atmosphere in about a minute.”
“It’s not even past the atmosphere yet?” asked Jiro. “I thought it was just past the moon eight minutes ago.”
“Who is this?” asked Nebula. “And the moon and the earth are significantly far away. It took Apollo 11 about 4 days to get the moon, and that was only two centuries ago.”
Starmaster sighed. “But these are aliens, Nebula. And this is Rainbow Vision’s new sidekick. Uh, still working on a name, but for now, he’s Prism.”
Nebula let out a breath of recognition. “Oh! You mean Jir-”
“We’re in the capes, we don’t use civilian names!” exclaimed Starmaster.
“You don’t even wear a cape!” protested Nebula. “And I’m in the command center, I’m not wearing mine!”
“You know what I mean!”
“Can we have this conversation when there’s not an alien spaceship about to land on a city?” asked Glamour. “I’m switching to Platform Mode.”
And suddenly they were standing on top of a giant levitating battle platform. “Starmaster, can you make a clump of energy that will put the spaceship into its gravitational pull but also slow it down?” asked Glamour. “I think once we’ve slowed it down enough I’m going to try to create a big net or hand or something and grab it.”
“I wish I’d told Nova to come here.” complained Starmaster. “And I think I can, but it will take two clumps.”
“Then do it.” said Glamour.
Starmaster concentrated, and two large clumps of energy appeared in the sky. Glamour floated the platform up, then extended his hand out as far as it could go, then created a large net from it, the edges of the battle platform supporting it.
“I’m also going to try and make some tractor beams to grab it once it’s in sight.” replied Starmaster. “I think I can do all three.”
“Okay, but concentrate on the two clumps the most.” said Glamour.
Jiro felt like all he could do was watch and wait.
Suddenly, he heard a loud thump behind him, and turned around to see Celeste, the wife of Starmaster, landing behind them, neatly folding up her high-tech wings. “I’m here, sweetie. What’s the game plan?”
“It involves a giant net, gravity, and tractor beams.” replied Starmaster.
Celeste took a deep breath. “Good luck.” She then suddenly noticed Jiro. “Oh, who’s this?”
“Um, I’m Prism, but that may not be my official name.” said Jiro. “I’m Rainbow Vision’s-”
“Oh, Glamour, your grandson!” said Celeste. She rubbed Jiro’s head. “You’re so cute. You look just like Rainbow Vision, you know that?”
“Giant spaceship.” said Glamour.
And before Jiro could blink it slowed down so quickly and was nearly flung towards one of the orbs and then suddenly went so much slower and started falling and the giant net captured it, and the battle platform expanded, Glamour visibly sweating, creating a chair construct and sitting down to accommodate the massive strain. The spaceship was safe, now put down on the battle platform and Glamour, trying to concentrate the best he could, flew it down to the ground and onto a large, open park.
To Jiro, these moments of freefall felt like minutes. His grandfather, visibly sweating and straining, Starmaster trying his best to concentrate, and him, unable to do anything helpful. Finally, the spaceship was safe, and all of Glamour’s constructs dissolved. Even his elaborate outfit vanished, leaving only a small mask and a sequined leotard. Celeste rushed to his side and propped him up, and Jiro, figuring this was at least something he could do, ran to help as well.
Starmaster carefully picked up a park bench and moved it to near where Glamour was with small gravity clumps, and Celeste and Jiro helped Glamour onto it.
Now they stared at the spaceship, wondering what would come from it.
They didn’t speak as they watched the starship.
After several agonizing moments, the door opened, and a large figure came out of it.
The figure had to be nearly seven feet tall, vaguely humanoid, with green skin, shocking pink hair, and fins on both the side of (her? their?) face and their arms. The figure had four arms, fin-like wings, and clawed feet, as well as horns and a tail. The figure was wearing something that reminded Jiro of a military uniform, with a large headband with a single amber gem.
And the words-!
Oh, there were so many words, all put together and jumbled, like a chorus splattered together in pink and green and colors Jiro didn’t even know he could see, let alone describe.
The amber gem lit up as the figure approached. It said words in a language that Jiro didn’t understand, then after that- “Local Language Acquired. Sentient Organic Life Scan. 4 Targets Detected. Target 1- Tef. Non-Native Species. Target 2- Partial Energy Based Lifeform. Unacquirable. Target 3- Unscanned Species. DNA Analysis… Native to current planet. Target 4- Tef Hybrid. Non-Native Species. Single Target Found. Familiarity Transformation Initiating.”
And then in a sudden blast of pink light, the alien standing before them, looked like a regular human, a young woman- but still with shocking pink hair and green eyes, and still wearing the strange military uniform. After a moment of hesitation, she offered a hand.
“Hi! I’m Captain Mesembria of the Vexan Empire. Thank you for rescuing my ship. This planet is called Earth?”

Author's Note: yet another first chapter for what could have become a great and beautiful series here at snipsandsnoops dot blogspot dot com. But never continued. because of course not
One day I will finish all the series there and on that day I will cry a single tear of joy.
I like this story a lot. 
Word Count: 4,148 words
Date: April 22, 2016

tef are animorphs 

Sniplet 90. Lukas

The night after Sebastian announced he would give his throne to Valana, he retired to his bedroom with Georg. “Lukas seemed rather odd during the festivities. I wonder what’s wrong with him.”
“Um, I dunno, what could it be, maybe it was the fact he wanted to rule hell.” replied Georg sarcastically. “And you just gave it to some stranger.”
“Lukas? Rule hell? He’s never said anything about that before!”
Georg rolled his eyes. “Lukas is almost never the one to say what he wants you to do directly. Passive aggressive, I guess. Or just his shitty self-esteem.”
“D-do you really think Lukas has poor self esteem? I- I never saw it that way before.” Sebastian seemed genuinely depressed about that. Lukas was his son. He wanted all of his children to be happy about themselves.
“Let me put it this way, Sebbie. If Lukas had good self esteem, he’d be Xander.”
“Georg! That’s a terrible thing to say!”
“Yeah, you’re right, it is. It’s really quite insulting to Lukas. If Lukas had good self esteem, he’d be a much more competent version of Xander who’d have taken over the world hundreds of years ago.”
This was Lukas’s morning routine. He would get up, wash his face, brush his hair, prestidigitate himself clean, and rub on his alchemical deodorant. He washed his glasses, then put them on.
The next step was to get dressed. He put on his various layers of shirts first, then his pants, then his shoes. And, because he was going into his alchemical lab, his protective coat and eyewear. The eyewear went over his regular glasses, because if anything happened to the eyewear, he still wanted to be able to see. When Lukas entered, everything in his lab would slide open for him, knowing his preferences. His cognatogen slides out from its special container, and every morning Lukas downs it in one taste, every ounce of the glittering liquid going right down.
Lukas tries to ignore that he hates the taste.
As Lukas brews another congatogen, his second one, he binds three spirits to him, based on what he’s expecting to encounter that day. Soon the congatogen is finished. Lukas drinks it. Both of them clash together in Lukas’s body, giving him a blistering headache before final peace, unity. Lukas sometimes wonders if he should be concerned about the headaches. But the risks are worth the result to him.
And then Lukas has breakfast.
Lukas enjoys binding spirits. Though he’ll never be as good at it as a true occultist, it’s at least a pastime. There are so many options to bind. However, ever since the Valana incident he bound a combination of Dead Kings, Yith’anu, and Overmind. Binding these three covers Lukas’s body in markings, eyes all over his body, with images of tiefling rulers on his face, all with overlarge eyes. Lukas had read that Dead Kings would always show images of his race’s greatest rulers on his face, carving them in there, but had always hoped they’d show unknown tieflings from ages past, those he’d never heard of. Not his own father and Xander on the left cheek (both of which he heavily protested to the inclusion of) and Tsar Dmitri and Esfir on the right (They were fine rulers, much better than those other two). And he was surprised by the addition, right after Anya’s coronation, of her on his brow, arms spread out wide, wearing the bloodstone crown like both her relations. Unlike everyone else on his face, she was smiling.
It would be strange to show up with these tattoos to any gathering, but that was what makeup and disguise self was for. And the only people who could see through illusions and beyond makeup knew that Lukas was an amateur binder, a person who was expected to have weird markings on his face, spirits echoing in his head. If he really got into a situation he couldn’t have any alterations showing in at all, he would brew a potion that would completely suppress these signs, at the cost of not being able to show them when needed.
Pact binding was a useful toolbox, like demon binding and negotiation, alchemy and grammarie. Lukas never bound devils. He found it gauche- he was part devil himself. But he wasn’t part demon. Demons were fine.
Lukas was not a born ruler. Ambition was not a trait he’d naturally developed. In fact, he’d once thought that he would be the worst ruler at all. But then he looked at Xander and his father and the voices in his head whispered, “Well. You couldn’t do any worse, could you?”
Lukas looked forward to the day he would appear on his own face. Maybe on that day he wouldn’t cover those markings.
Most occultists complained about hearing voices. They hated it. Lukas was more than fine with it. He always heard a voice, a cutting voice that told him how incompetent and horrible and stupid he was. That it was only when he took his cognatogens and bound his spirits was he not a terrible and awful waste of space, an unperson, something that leeched off of everyone’s time and energy. And when the spirits came they drowned out that voice, Lukas’s helpful advisors, with their great store of knowledge and advice, and Lukas was free.
Lukas stared at Dominik. Dominik was a small tiefling baby, a wailing one, with tiny nubs of horns already showing. “Hold your brother for me, darling.” said Sebastian. Lukas stared at Dominik. He hadn’t been a father for years. Frankly, he had forgotten how to baby. Lukas took Dominik from his father. He patted him gently. Alright, baby. Shut up, baby. Shh, baby, shhh. Shh, shut up. Quiet down, nice baby, good baby.
“You don’t have to mutter at him, dear.” said Sebastian, taking the baby back. Lukas was unaware he was muttering. Dominik did not show any signs of being more quiet. “Isn’t he the most darling thing? I mean, besides you and all your siblings as little small things?”
Lukas blinked. “Even Xander?”
“Oh, even your brother was the cutest little thing as an infant. And then as a toddler, wobbling around on his tiny little hoovsies… you’re going to wander around on those baby hoovsies, aren’t you, Dominik? Oh, I wish I’d kept all those baby clothes. I don’t know how I’m going to accessorize him in exile.”
Lukas frankly thought that dressing up baby was the least important thing in Sebastian’s life right now. “The demiplane is going well. I’ve managed to finish negotiations with Elian. He’s willing to help us with the demiplane, send some of his people over.”
“I’m not really sure you should trust Elian.” said Sebastian. “He works for the Starry One, and like I told you about the Starry One and your father….”
Lukas did not honestly care about that story. Though it was awful that Von Wolff had hurt Monroe, and forced Dominik to exist, if it saved the universe or whatever Lukas was perfectly fine with it. “Isn’t Elian one of your old friends? I am sure he is incredibly trustable. Trustworthy, even. All of his staff is extremely well trained, competent, and disciplined. Why, even Mes-”
“I know, I know, I know they’re all very smart, but….” Sebastian pushed his hand against his face and sighed. “Lukas. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to trust them.” He sighed. “That’s hard to say, we were such good friends for years, but I don’t know.”
“Father, that is literally the thing you just said.” said Lukas. “You can’t just repeat yourself and say it is a valid argument.”
“Well, you can’t win an argument just by pointing out the flaws in the other persons’s arguing! If you still don’t have a valid argument of your own, it doesn’t work!”
“I have made a valid argument. Father, what is the worst that could happen? Oh no, the Starry One could manipulate the project to save the universe! How terrible! We wouldn’t want that to happen!”
“He’s sending me someone who’s an expert on modern factory design, an illusion expert, and a terminal person who may or may not be M-”
“Alright. It is your project after all. I’ll trust your judgment on this.”
Lukas let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, father.”
Lukas left the hidden place, and was about to summon his transport person when he was ambushed. Instinctively, Lukas opened his mouth to screech out the code word that would summon a balor to his side, but his attacker shoved his hand into his mouth, silencing him. Lukas looked at who had assaulted him.
Oh. It was his other father.
Georg looked worse than Lukas had ever seen him. Disheveled, in desperate need of a bath, and- oh gods, his eyes! What was wrong with his eyes? Whatever it was, they leaked dried, crusty black blood down his face. “Hi son. Please, don’t panic. It’s just me. Your pop. Georg.” Georg took his hand out of Lukas’s mouth. Lukas was still considering summoning that balor.
“H-hello, father. You-what-I-”
“I bet I don’t look that great, do I? I don’t feel that great, or smell that great, or anything that great, either! How’s your dad doing?”
“F-fine,” spat out Lukas. “Um, what happened to you?”
“She was not happy.” said Georg. “She was not happy with me at all. I don’t need to see. She took my eyes. She says I can have them back once she’s happy with me. Once I’ve appeased her.”
“W-why your eyes?”
Georg laughed, a startling, horrid laugh that made Lukas want to curl up and die. “Well, she didn’t really take them, son! I’m just looking into an alternate universe where everything is horrible and awful and SEBASTIAN IS DEAD. Though that’s kind of redundant, isn’t it? With your father dead, nothing really matters. Everything! Is! Automatically! AWFUL!”
“I suppose that’s true.” Lukas said. “I- I know I would be devestated if Thalia died.”
“NO YOU WOULDN’T!” screeeched Georg, directly into Lukas’s sensitive ears. “You don’t love her as much as I love your dad! YOU DON’T LOVE HER A FRACTION OF THAT! If my love for Sebastian is the cosmos, your love for her is a planet. No, a comet. No, a fleck of dust, floating in space.”
“You don’t know how much I love Thalia.” replied Lukas. “Don’t you think that’s rather rude?”
“NOPE! IT’S TRUE!” Georg laughed again, mouth open wide, propelling a cloud of horrible breath smell into Lukas’s face. Lukas continued to want to curl up and die. Whyyyy. Why was this happeningggg. “Anyway, what about Dominik? How is he doing?”
“He’s also fine. He’s a very loud baby. Um, why don’t you go ask father these things yourself?”
“DON’T CALL HIM YOUR FATHER! IT MAKES YOU SOUND LIKE XANDER!” Lukas had always called Sebastian father, way before Xander, and was uncertain why Georg thought it was vise versa. “BABY XANDER, LEARNING TO FLY. ONCE HE GETS OFF THE GROUND, HE’LL NEVER COME BACK! HE’LL CONQUER THE WORLD, AND NEVER COME BACK DOWN!”
Lukas had no idea what the hell Georg was talking about. “Why don’t you ask my other parent, who I am not allowed to call my father, these things yourself?”
“I’m invisible to him.” explained Georg. “And I can’t sense him like I sense other people. Like in the alternate universe, you’re also here, and also very frightened, but we’re fighting. But in that alternate universe, Sebastian will stay in one place forever! HIS TOMB! Xander took his own father’s heart and made it his second heart. Now he has his father’s power, the power of a god and an devil and an angel, two hearts pump, ba dump, ba dump.”
“That’s horrible.” said Lukas. Secretly he was wondering the logistics of the bloodflow there as well. “Um, father, is this all you wanted to ask? How Sebastian is doing? How Dominik is doing?”
“OF COURSE NOT! THERE’S STILL ONE PERSON WHO I CARE ABOUT?” Lukas’s heart soared. Was his father finally taking an interest in him?
“Well, I’m-”
“NOT YOU!” Georg rolled his eyes. “Why ever you? Monroe. How is he doing?”
Lukas sighed, a long, deep sigh. The voice in the back of his head began muttering about how Lukas should have never expected to be important to Georg, and how he was never important to anyone. “I’ve heard he’s doing better. Not good, you know, but better. He’s eating by himself, and talking, though only to his cat.”
“THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!” screeched Georg, grabbing Lukas by his collar. He easily picked up his son as he stood up, holding him above the air. His fingers on one hand extended into claws. But how? Georg could only do that with his mutagen active. But if it was active-
Lukas sudddenly realized that his father could very easily kill him, was on the potion that made him very angry, very out of it, and had been tormented by an entity to the point where he seriously needed help, and let out a yelp. “SHUT UP!” screamed Georg. “Don’t you dare make a sound! Except to tell me WHY MONROE ISN’T DOING BETTER!?”
Lukas shook his head in fear, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. “Is that my fault?” he spat out. “Am I the one somehow holding Monroe back from recovery? Father, please, don’t hurt me!”
Georg dropped Lukas on the ground, and Lukas heard something crunch. “Oh gods. Lukas, I- Lukas I- I would never hurt you, you know that, you know that I’m your pop, your father, your dad, I would never-”
But Lukas was already running far, far away.
Xander is a golden boy with bloodstained hands. His resurrection, his redemption, is everything that Sebastian can talk about. With tearstained eyes he talks about how wonderful it is that Xander is on the path to goodness, how happy he is that he can finally spend time with his son, can be proud of him again.
Lukas doesn’t think Xander has done anything prideworthy. He sits in Maelys’s mansion, wide-eyed, forgetting who and where he is if someone doesn’t remind him. Sometimes he screams, sometimes he stares at his hands, unbelieving, sometimes he cries. Lukas has dedicated his life to serving his father. When he and Cassandra weren’t collaborating, he was working for him. Trying to make Hell a better place. Trying to make his, as a person.
Because there was no doubt in Lukas’s mind that his father was dedicated, but competence was where he struggled.
So why can’t his father be proud of him?
There is nothing that can get the voices out of Lukas’s head now. There is nothing that can stop them telling Lukas how much of a waste of space he is. He will never, ever be able to help anyone, because someone smarter will come in and solve the problem better than him. That’s how it was with Cassandra. Sometimes Lukas feels sick when people talk about what the “two” of them accomplished like it was the both of them, because Lukas never feels to himself like he actually did anything. It was all Cassandra, and everything else seems like horrible lies, slipping out of his mouth and burning his tongue. Even Cassandra has deceived herself into thinking Lukas was of any value.
But this answers Lukas’s question to his father, “Why don’t you appreciate me?”
“What is there to appreciate?” Is the unspoken, unasked for reply. His father screams it to Lukas in his head, always.
Von Wolff still hasn’t apologized for attacking Lukas. Xander was tormented by Father (apparently) and Von Wolff was tormented by The Starry One. Anya. Whatever. Lukas is tormented by himself.
Without anything to stop the feelings of defeat, of worthlessness, of everything, Lukas has lost the ability to envision a better future for himself. Is there anything in his life right now that would make him happy? He really doesn’t love Thalia as much as he thought, it’s true. While his parents love for each other is blinding, burning (even if his father sometimes forgets that) then the way that he and Thalia love each other is just embers, slowly burning down, burning out. When is she finally going to see him for who he really is and leave him, yeah, leave him alone like he should be, like he deserves to be?
Lukas doesn’t really say anything to Xander. It’s now a week after he returned. He doesn’t just sit around anymore. He sits next to Illiam in meetings, sometimes speaks, especially when he has something to say.
Xander’s thoughts are condensed, precise, brief. It is a stark difference from the Xander of elongated words, who would take forever to put together his thoughts, who would speak for ages.
He only has one conversation with him.
Xander sits on a chair outside of one of the conference room, and there’s no way Lukas can avoid him now. Staring awkwardly at his brother, Lukas smiles at him slightly, forcing his lips to curl in a cheerful shape. “Good morning, Xander.”
Xander looks up at Lukas, black-white eyes soft. “Oh. Good morning, Lukas. Are you waiting for our father as well?”
“No.” replied Lukas. “Why are you waiting for him?”
Xander smiles softly. “I just want to talk to him.”
Xander looks up at the ceiling. “I’m trying to have a better relationship with him. I understand him a lot better now.”
Lukas blinks sharply. “You want to have a better relationship with him?”
“Precisely.” replies Xander. “I appreciate him a lot more after I’ve met Alexil.”
Xander? Appreciating Sebastian? “And Alexil… was he everything you thought he would be?”
And then, before Lukas can respond, Xander starts screaming, clasping his hands over his ears, and Illiam is there in a flash, wrapping his arms around Xander, soft pale hands in his long black hair, kissing his forehead, stopping his body from shaking.
“Xander, Xander, you’re alive, I’m here, you’re okay right now.”
“I thought-”
Illiam gently touches his forehead against Xander’s. “You’re okay right now, Xander. You’re safe. I’m here. I’m really here. I’m real.”
“You’re real.”
“I’m real.” repeats Illiam, and Lukas feels another pang of jealousy. It must be nice to have someone like that, who would be willing to hold you through your suffering. Thalia prefers to let Lukas calm down on his own but… well….
Those soft hands in Xander’s hair…
And Lukas can’t think straight and….
Lukas used to take anitu dust. He hasn’t for years, despite the fact it’s so potent, it makes him think so quickly, so clearly.
He has to maintain relevance. He has to be good for something.
He still has a box of it in his things.
He forgot how much it hurt, he forgot how it made his eyes red, his nose bleed.
He forgot the rumors that it was made from souls.
He wakes up with a horrible sneezing nosebleed. There’s large clumps, gobs in it and he stares at it in the sink.
“Lukie? Are things okay?” asks Thalia from the bedroom.
“Everything’s fine.” lies Lukas. “Everything’s fine.”
Lukas hides in the vast wasteland of that thing that would have been his city. His empty kingdom. Nobody will ever look for him here.
He walks around the city. He imagines how the buildings would have looked. He imagines the people walking in it. The sound of laughter and people talking. The artificial sun shining, rather than this grey nothingness.
He imagines his father smiling at him, telling him he’s done well, he’s useful, he’s a good person, he’s valued, he’s…
But he can’t anymore.
The lower half of his face is almost covered in blood.

Author's Note: This is my autobiography. Also the classic, ancient story of... Sunday and the Piper! That's right, that's what this story is based on, the relationship between those two brothers in my Keys to the Kingdom fanfiction! Thanks for catching the reference. Now, depending if it's the PreSS version that means that Lukas is Sunday and Xander is The Piper, which is cool for Lukas because he eventually gets a sweet musical number in the 2nd musical and cool for Xander because-
I am of course joking. This is the story of the Prodigal Son from The Bible. Which I think is the original archetype of a lot of stuff and what I drew the Sunday/The Piper dynamic from so really they're like cousins, like Hawthorne and Roswell / Elato and Mateus in my great writing influence chart. 
Word Count: 3306 words
Date: April 5-6 2016, but I'm pretty sure I wrote half in 2015. 

"The Piper/Wednesday? That's so 2009. I only ship Ma`loth/Wednesday!" 

Sniplet 89. The Continuation of the Mega-Crossover/Cadis and Eurynomos go Bowling [MegaCrossover]

Mazin sat in his office in the Infernal Presidential Palace, chewing his lip, looking out the window. It had been only an hour since he’d heard the terrible news from Chandra that Uldok and Naven were going back to war. And this time they had new allies on their side. It turned out that Xander’s husband, Illiam, was actually a member of some species known as numen (what the hell was a numan, it sounded like someone mispronouncing human) who had been destroyed by some other species, the X`lanthians. The fragments of his past species were allying with Naven, while the X`lanthians allied with Uldok, and Mazin...
Well, of course he was going to help Chandra try to mediate the dispute, but Naven and Uldok would both be coming to him and Krenmyr with offers of alliance. It was likely he’d need to pick a side. But either side was risky, and he had friends on both sides. And no matter what side he picked….
Mazin sighed and pushed the papers on his desk to one side. Swiveling around in his office chair, he turned to see Krenmyr coming in the room. “Hi sweetie!” said Krenmyr, rushing to kiss eir husband on the cheek. “I just picked the kids up from school, and there’s a big shipment of bones in the basement. You want to help me make some ske-le-tons?”
Mazin smiled slightly. “Yes, I would…”
“But what?” asked Mazin.
“I can hear the but in your voice.” replied Krenmyr, leaning on the desk. “But what?”
Mazin sighed, long and deep. “Have you heard the news?”
“What news?” asked Krenmyr, eir voice suddenly stiff, serious.
“Naven and Uldok are back at war.” replied Mazin.
Krenmyr stood there perfectly still, eir halo flashing, pulsating in the dim light of Mazin’s office. And then ey swept a hand across Mazin’s desk with a scream, papers and pointless knick-knacks flying in every direction. A snowglobe depicting Naven’s Imperial City fell to the ground and shattered, little clumps of fake snow falling over the carpet.
Krenmyr nearly shrieked and jumped a foot back once ey realized what ey had done. “Oh my goodness, Mazin, I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
Mazin reached down to collect the papers. “Krenmyr, it’s fine. Honestly, I wanted to do just the same thing when I heard.”
Krenmyr knelt down next to eir husband, helping him with the papers. “But look, I’ve broken your poor snowglobe.”
“It’s fine, Krenmyr.” said Mazin, waving a hand over the snowglobe. The glass formed back together, but it was now just a little city beneath a glass dome.
“But there’s no snow at all.”
“Well, now it’s more accurate.” replied Mazin with a slight smile. “Seriously, I don’t know why they make snowglobes of a place where it’s never snowed.”
Krenmyr smiled back. “They have snowglobes of Vera, and it’s never snowed here either.”
“Tell that to the tourism council.”
All of the papers and knick-knacks were put back up on the desk, and Krenmyr let out a little breath of relief. Ey then sat on the side of the desk and looked at Mazin. “Tell me the whole story.”
Krenmyr was still sitting on the desk, thinking about what things were probably going to happen. ‘Well, we’ll probably end up on the side of Naven, don’t you think? Honestly, I can see their side better. Illiam and his brother have lost their whole world because of these X`lanthians, and because they couldn’t think that their world could be saved. Sure, the X`lanthians said they made a difficult choice, but…”
“I don’t know. I hope that Chandra can calm them down, but I doubt they can. I don’t even want to think of alliances until then. Plus, we don’t decide. It’ll depend on who Asari decides to back.”
“Well, Uldok, of course.” replied Krenmyr. “Gosh, Mazin, you thought that Asari and Xander would be on the same side?”
“I was thinking of it from the perspective of who she found more morally correct, but you’re of course correct!” replied Mazin. “She’ll figure out how to rationalize aiding whatever side doesn’t mean siding with Xander. I guess we’ll be siding with Xander, then.”
“I like Xander.” said Krenmyr. “Eurynomos will be happy about that.”
“We are not going to tell anyone of this decision until Chandra utterly fails at peacekeeping, alright?” asked Mazin. “Not the senate, not the staff, not our children.”
“But you should get a declaration of war ready.” replied Krenmyr. “At least draft it out in your head.”
“I’ll get it ready, just hope I don’t have to use it.” sighed Mazin.
“Now will you help me with the bones?”
“Of course, dear.”
Illiam, Elian, and Xander left the projection room and entered the lobby. Illiam’s shoulders slumped, no longer relaxed. He reached over and hugged Xander. “Back to war again, dear.”
“Uldok will bow to our might, my love.”
Xander kissed Illiam gently, atop his forehead, and Illiam stroked his husband’s hands. They were slightly calloused, fingernails trimmed but slightly sharp. His hands were as hard as steel, but as they moved around Illiam’s, he could feel the soft parts, those not as toughened by words of battle and reinforcing divinity.
“Incoming message from Grand Admiral Chandra, your imperial majesty.”
“Reject it.” replied Xander. “I do not want to make any sort of treaty with Uldok. I want to destroy the X`lanthians.”
“Yes, darling, but keep in mind. The Stellar League and Infernus are major allies. We don’t want to insult a potential ally.”
“You think Infernus will be on our side?”
“Well, Vamari certainly won’t. I think we could get Infernus, Dead Planet too of course, I think we could get Kamata, hell, even Stellar League.”
Xander sighed. “But I do not wish to fight Vamari again.”
Illiam took a deep breath. “Accept the communication. Come on, Elian, Xander, let’s go. Kids, you stay here.”
Sevvie, Jiro, and Cadis had all been waiting in the lobby. Sevvie sighed.
“Yet another interesting thing happening without us.”
“Who are the people of Infernus like?” asked Cadis. “Or the Dead Planet?”
“Bunch of other demons and devils, and dead people.”
“There’s a planet with just dead people?” asked Cadis.
“Yeah.” replied Sevvie.
“Eurynomos is the son of President Mazin and Krenmyr.” explained Jiro. “He’s one of my closest friends.”
“Yeah, and you’ve got a massive crush on him~” said Sevvie, poking Jiro with an elbow.
Jiro hid his face in his hands. “I don’t-! I mean, he is really really cute! And nice. And really strong.”
“And people have been telling you for years how great it would be if you got married.”
Jiro sighed. “Yeah. It would be a major event for both Naven and the Infernal Republic. Oh, and the Dead Planet, too.”
Cadis was frowning, which Jiro was a little confused to see when he came up from looking at his hands. “Oh, um, Cadis, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” said Cadis. “Nothing at all. Um, maybe I could meet him?”
“That’d be nice.” said Jiro with a smile. “I’m sure you’d really like him, too.”
Mazin, Krenmyr, Eurynomos, and Kaima were eating dinner when Chandra appeared with Javier in the dining room. “Mazin!” said Chandra, walking to Mazin’s side.
“Chandra, it’s wonderful to see you. I wish it was in happier times, though. Sit.” Mazin patted a seat near him, and Chandra sat there, collapsing ellegantly.
“I can’t tell you about the day I’ve had. I’ve spent so much time just…” Chandra sighed loudly, truly frustrated, and Javier also took a seat at the table, looking worridly at Krenmyr and Mazin. “Goodness. Gracious. I’ve spent so much of my life working for peace. But how I am I supposed to convince Illiam he shouldn’t want to take revenge for the death of his people? Let alone Xander! Xander hardly ever forgives anything!”
“Chandra, I appreciate your attempts at negotiation, but I do think we’ll be at war once again.”
“I know.” replied Chandra with a sigh. “I just got off the phone with Xander, he says he’s willing to speak with me, but not to expect much. We’ve arranged a date a few days from now.”
“A few days? Chandra, don’t you think Asari will have her armies mobilized in a few days?” asked Mazin.
“There’s no reason that Asari should join this conflict, and until we have confirmation she will, I want you two out of it, too.” said Chandra, authority in their voice. Then, softer- “Please. I’m begging you.”
“I’ll do my best!” replied Mazin with a sigh.
They all sat there quietly for a long moment.
“Cadis, this is Eurynomos.” introduced Jiro. “Eurynomos, this is Cadis.”
Eurynomos didn’t know what Cadis was, but he was pretty cute. He had triangular, fluffy ears, a long tail, and overlarge feet. “Um. Nice to meet you.”
Cadis didn’t know what Eurynomos was, but he didn’t like him already. He had dark grey skin, was very athletic and handsome, and had large, pointy ears. “Yes. Nice to meet you.”
Jiro patted the two boys who he had crushes on. “I hope you two become great friends. Eurynomos, maybe you can show Cadis around for a few minutes, looks like my dad wants me.”
“Uh, sure.” said Eurynomos.
The two stared at each other for a few moments, and then Eurynomos said, “Um…. I’ll show you the basement, first.”
They went down the stairs, Eurynomos leading. “So, um, Jiro’s told me a little bit about you.”
“He’s told me a little about you, too.” replied Cadis.”
Eurynomos smiled widely. “He has? Huh.”
Cadis rolled his eyes. “Yeah. He has.”
They walked down to the basement in silence a little longer, before Eurynomos asked, “Why don’t you like me already? We barely know each other.”
“What?” asked Cadis.
“I can tell, you know. I’m the son of the President of one of the largest nations in the world, I guess I got some people skills from him.”
Cadis thought that if Eurynomos had people skills he wouldn’t really mention something so brazenly in front of someone, but he shrugged.
“I’m sorry if I seem like that. I guess I’m just a little jealous. I don’t really know Jiro very much, but-”
“Oh, you have a crush on Jiro.” Eurynomos smiled. “Yeah, I like him too. I’ve always imagined I’d probably marry him one day. My parents seem pretty big on it. I don’t really know how to talk to him about it, though. It’s kind of awkward. Not really a common conversation topic.”
“So you understand-”
“Is polygamy not legal where you’re from?” asked Eurynomos. “Because believe me. How Jiro feels about me doesn’t influence at all how he feels about you.”
Cadis blinked and stopped, looking at Eurynomos. “Jiro and I have only known each other for a few days.”
“Well, from what he’s told me about you….”
Cadis looked around. “Aren’t you supposed to be taking me on a tour! What’s this?”
“This is um, the bowling alley. Have you ever been bowling before?”
“Have I ever been what?”
“I’ll take that as a no.” Eurynomos looked at the bowling alley. “You know, this place is pretty boring. Why don’t we just go bowling?”

Author's Note: I really need to start naming my stories so I don't just give them random names when I post them to this very web site.
Word Count: 1873 words. a short
Date: March 25th, 2016