Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sniplet 45. An Excerpt from an Esoteric Religious Text

Long have we known of the two paths down the golden road to the burning city. The first route is the funeral procession down the golden road, which requires one who lives within those toothed gates to open them and bury the hopeful in their own sanguine mausoleum and inter them with sacred gifts. 
The second path to the toothed gates is the path of ascension with violence, where the hopeful must slay who he meets on the golden road, steal their key, and live in their mansion in the burning city.
But there is a third path down the golden road to that city, and it is a procession too. Not of death, but of life, a parade down those steps, and he who is at its head shall lead it. And he shall approach the toothed gates that have never opened willingly to a soul, and his foreverbud flower shall bloom, and the gates shall open to the shock of the residents of the burning city and he shall find his mansion there that was built for him at the foundation of the world and he shall reside in it.
However, even this method is not without danger. It is not the danger of death of violence- merely that a flower that has not yet budded needs only the soil of the earth to live, but one that has opened needs the rain and sun, hope and despair. And forcing a flower to bloom is fraught with danger, for by tearing it open you kill it, and by slicing it open you sever it, and by pushing it open from the inside out, you snuff out the flame that lives inside.

Author's Note: 
Once again I am collecting sniplets. Please join me on this journey to collect them and not miss any.
This is about godhood, if you don't get the metaphor. I think I was influenced by The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec (because I was either going through an Elder Scrolls phase or had gone through one recently) to make my own weird, esoteric texts from my fictional universe. 
Length: 283 Words 
Date: June 3rd, 2015

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