Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sniplet 20. Sevvie Joins The Girl Scouts [Modern!AU]

"A Dad! A Dad!" exclaimed Sevvie, getting into Illiam's car. "Dad, I want to join the Girl Scouts."
"What?" asked Illiam. "That's wonderful dear, but why so suddenly? Is there a troop forming up at your school?"
"Naw. A funny man gave me a flyer during recess! It says that the girl scouts promote lesbianism and witchcraft! Look! I'm kind of ambivalent about lesbianism, though Auntie Sasu and Auntie Daniys seem to like it just fine, but I want to be a witch!"
Illiam smiled slightly. "Well, I don't think that flyer was accurate, but who knows. And I think you could have a lot of fun as a girl scout. I think that Dr. Nadia and Adrianna were girl scouts, I'll call them up and see how you can join."
When Illiam got home, he called Nadia on his cell phone. "Hello, this is Dr. Nadia von Wolff?"
"Hi Nadia, this is me, Illiam. Um, Sevvie told me she wanted to be a girl scout, and you and Adrianna were big in girl scouting, right? Do you know anything about how she could maybe join a troop?"
Nadia hung up, and Illiam sighed. "Well, Sevvie, I don't think Dr. Nadia was very helpful. I'll go look it up online."
But around fourty five minutes later, the doorbell rang. Sevvie yelled, "Dad, there's someone at the door!" Illiam went to answer it, and it was Nadia, wearing a volunteer sweater with various pins on it and carrying a giant box, presumably full of supplies. Ignoring Illiam, Nadia rushed over to Sevvie.
"Seva, I have heard that you wish to be a girl scout. I am so proud of you. It is a wonderful decision, that will impact you for your whole entire life."
"Are you the witch master? Are you going to teach me a hundred different spells?" asked Sevvie.
"What? Seva, there is no magic in girl scouts, except for the magic of companionship, friendship, and building leadership skills. Also learning, su-"
"Do I at least get to sell cookies?"
"Yes, Seva, you can sell hundreds, even thousands of cookies. I was a girl scout when I was your age, and then when Adrianna was a child, up until we were voted out of the troop due to Adrianna being convicted of arson, I was one of her troop's leaders. The girl scouts do many things. We go to camp, we learn many skills, we earn badges, we sell cookies to raise money for fun events, the girl scouts is truly an exciting venture, perfect for any girl."
"So there's no witchcraft at all?"
"You could perhaps learn about witchcraft in one of the segments where you learn about other cultures or religions. But no, there is no mention of any religions involved. Though we the words "To serve god and my country" appear in the girl scout promise, you may substitute god with whatever you feel most comfortable with."
"Okay. Anyway, am I a girl scout now?"
Nadia shook her head. "We need to form a troop, and then we will register you."
"A troop?"
"A group of girls who are all girl scouts."
"But who are we going to find to be girl scouts?"

As Sevvie went to go message her friends online, Nadia finally turned to Illiam. "We also need another adult to be a volunteer. The gender does not matter, but they must complete the girl scout training."
"I think that my friends Neira and Izevel could make excellent girl scout volunteers." said Illiam, hoping to pass responsibility onto someone else. It was great that Sevvie was becoming a girl scout- she could make a lot of friends, which Illiam thought she quite needed to do. 
"Alright. And we need somewhere for the girls to have their meetings."
"Like a meeting house or something?"
"Or a house, with a large backyard, maybe even a playset for the girls to play on before or after meetings." 
Illiam sighed. "I suppose our house is perfect."
"Now, please tell me more about Neira and Izevel. Do you know if they have any girl scout experience? Do they have any daughters of their own?"
"Yes, one, her name is Olive. Um, all girls are allowed in Girl Scouts, right? Like I know in boy scouts, I was kicked out for-"
"The Girl Scouts of America have no such exclusionary policies. The only requirement is that members identify as girls. Unless they are adults, in which case they can identify as whatever they want."
Illiam was rather iffed on being interrupted in his story about being kicked out right before becoming an Eagle Scout, but ignored it. "Alright. And in addition to the house, I can also drive people around."
"You'll need to complete volunteer training for that." 
"Alright. Um, and am I going to need to buy Sevvie a vest or something?"
"Yes, and books, isignia, and you will have to pay the registration fee."
Illiam sighed. "Alright. Do I buy them online, or is there a store?"
"There is a store. We could go to the store, right now." 
"Alright. Seva, come here, we're going to the girl scout store." 
"Dad, I have important news!" 
"What is it, Seva?" Xander also noticed something. "Um, and where is your brother?" 
"Jiro is at book camp, remember?" said Illiam.
"Ah, right." 
Sevvie dramatically threw her girl scout vest on. "I'm a girl scout! Dad and Dr. Nadia took me to a special place where dad paid a registration fee and I took the special girl scout promise and law! So now I'm a girl scout!"
"That is exciting, if sudden news, Seva. Congratulations. I am sure you shall have fun doing whatever it that girl scouts do. Um, Seva, what do girl scouts do, besides sell cookies?" 
"Well, we earn badges, and we have fun meetings, which will be here, at our house, and make friends, and we even go to camp!" Sevvie frowned, slightly. "I really wanted to join because I thought there would be witchcraft involved, but there isn't. But it sounds like it will be a lot of fun anyways."

Sevvie sat on the top of her three-story playset like she was the queen of the world. Below, she could see three girls approaching, two of them clearly arguing about something. "HI ALICE! HI OLIVE! HI MORTI!" yelled Sevvie, waving her arms. "Come up here, where it's cooler!"
"Actually Sevvie, your dads told us to come get you!" yelled Alice back. "The meeting is about to start."
"Okay!" Sevvie went down some tiny stairs, then jumped off the play structure and onto the dirt. Inside her house, almost half a dozen girls were gathered, sitting around a big table with Nadia and Izevel at the front. Izevel had her laptop out and in front of her, to take some notes.
"Alright, everyone, Hello, and welcome to the first meeting of our girl scout troop, troop 172. I am Dr. Nadia von Wolff, but you can just call me Dr. Nadia." 
"I'm Ms Izevel." said Izevel. "And I'm Olive's mom!" 
"Anyway, why don't you go around and introduce yourselves, and as you do so you can make or put on your name badges so that we'll all remember each other's names." 
The first girl to Nadia's left let out a tiny sigh. "Um, I'm Lydia Kairos. And I'm only here because my big brother is making me!" 
"I'm Samantha." said Samatha, a taller girl to Lydia's left. "I'm here to make friends! I hope we'll all be friends, and we can hug each other, and make a friendship blood pact!"
"I'm Catalynn, and I like cats. Are we supposed to give a fun fact about ourselves? Is that a part of this segment?" 
"It does not have to be, but can be." said Nadia. 
"I'm Amirah, and I joined because I want to go to camp! I hope we can go to camp and live in the woods, maybe even forever." 
"I'm Mimzy. And um, I like girl scout cookies? We get free ones, right?"
Nadia shook her head. "No, you do not." 
Mimzy held her head in her hands. "My mom's going to be so mad...." 
"I'm Sevvie!" exclaimed Sevvie. "This is my house, you're just living in it!" 
"Is this really your house?" said Samantha.
"Yeah, my dads own it. Dads! Where are you! Prove to them you are not lying!"
"This actually is Seva's house." said Nadia. "So let us respect her and her father's space. Okay, next?"
"I'm Alice. And Morti is my sister. I interpret for her." 
"I'm Morti, and I'm happy to be here!" signed Morti. "I also hope we will all be friends, and learn how to be girl scouts together."
"And I'm Olive. Izevel is my mom. Um, I think she said that, though." 
With everyone introduced, the meeting began. 
"Okay everyone, raise your hand if this is your first time in the girl scouts!" said Nadia, and most of the girls raised their hands, except for Lydia and Amirah. "Wow, that's most of you. Lydia, Amirah, did you like your girl scout troops before?"
Lydia shook her head. "I hated it!" 
Amirah also shook her head. "They were really rude to me and my parents, they really wanted me out. I hope that everyone will be accepting here."
Nadia nodded. "A similar thing happened to my daughter and I in my previous troop. I also hope that in this troop, we will all accept each other, as is commanded in the girl scout law. Do any of you know the girl scout promise and law?" 
Sevvie finally finished coloring a picture of Brownie Elf, the vague mascot of the Brownie Girl Scouts. "Done!" 
"That's very nice, Sevvie." said Nadia. "Let's put it with the others." The girls had done such things as learning the promise and law, coloring their own versions of the promise and law, emphasizing with parts they liked the best, and then learning about the different sorts of girl scouts and what they did. Now it was time for a snack. "Alright, everyone, for next time we will know everyone's dietary preferences, but for today's snack we have cheese, crackers, and strawberries, offered to us by one of Sevvie's fathers, Dr. Ashbur. Everyone say thank you, Dr. Ashbur." The girls all said or signed their thanks in unison, except for Sevvie, who yelled "Thanks DAD!" at Illiam. "Do you think that your parents could help with the girl scouts? Everyone, pass around plates and these sheets. Its for your parents, so we can figure out how they can help. There's also a sign up form for all of you so we can learn about you, this information will be kept completely confidential." 
The girls passed around the plates and started taking cheese and crackers in a semi-civilized manner. "Alright, so to be part of the girl scouts you have to pay a fifteen dollar membership fee, and there are a few things you might want to buy. If you need help paying for anything, just us know, or have your parents email us, that's listed on the form. So, there's of course the vest, and sash, Sevvie, Olive, please show the others the vest or sash, model it for them, and there are the insignia that you put on the vest or sash, like our troop numbers and patch. And there are also the badges we will put on them once we have earned them. There are also books that are the girl scout guide and journey guide. The first journey that we have already begun is the Brownie Quest, so that is the book you should attempt to obtain."
"Make new friends, and keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold. A circle is round it has no end, that's how long I want to be your friend!" sung the girls, Sevvie the most enthusiastically (almost shouting) and Lydia the least. Nadia clapped. "Alright, girls, it looks like your parents and guardians are here, please give them the forms we discussed!" 
Lydia wandered over to a tall, long-haired, fashionable man, and Samantha's various parents arrived to collect her. Catalynn's dad and brother were there, too. 
However, as the parents showed up to take their children away, Nadia noticed that Amirah was leaving on her own. "My mom is picking me up outside, Dr. Nadia. Thanks for having me here!" 
"Okay, Amirah, be safe!"

Author's Notes: 
This is the beginning of a massive flood of xanfam that followed. Fitting this story is #20- it shows yet another era of sniplets, the age of the Sevvie and the xanfam. It's also an interesting story. Once again, way too much research. Also originally posted in 3 parts. 
Since you're reading these ultra amazing and totally great author's notes, I will inform you that Lydia and Malone (her big brother) are secretly Li`kya and Ma`loth from Silverfire. Wow! Aren't you glad you read author's notes for this deep hidden lore secret? Amazing!
Length: 2083 words
Date: March 20th, 2015

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