"Dads! Dads!" Illiam and Xander looked up from the plans of the new domes that would be built on Naven's moons to commemorate Xander's birthday and to their small daughter, who was running into the room, followed by her handler, Ex-Tsaritsa Ekaterina. "Dads, my teeth hurt. Do something about it!"
Xander touched Seva's head lightly and propelled healing energy into his child. Illiam knelt down and opened his daughter's mouth, using his psychic senses to get a better look inside. Ekaterina simply stood behind the child. "Do you feel better, my child?" asked Xander.
Seva shook her head. "No! It still hurts!"
"She has cavities." said Illiam. "Sevvie, have you been brushing your teeth like a good girl?"
"I don't want to be a good girl, I want to be an evil girl!" protested Sevvie.
"A good little evil girl then, Sevvie, as opposed to a bad little evil girl. Your teeth are very important." Seva had been born with a full set of pointed, animalistic chompers, very sharp and oversized in her tiny baby mouth.
"I brush my teeth every day and night!" exclaimed Seva.
"No you don't, Sevvie." said Ekaterina. "I keep telling her she needs to brush them, but-"
"HOW DARE YOU CONTRADICT MY DAUGHTER!" screeched Xander, slamming a flaming fist onto the table, slightly burning the plans of the moon domes. A minor sub-demon shed a single tear at the flames. He'd spent all last night making those diagrams.
Illiam rolled his eyes at Xander. "Xander, don't get mad at Ekaterina. Sevvie, darling, lying to your parents isn't nice. Now, I'm going to ask you again, do you brush your teeth like a good little evil girl?"
"Of course I do." said Sevvie, but there was more hesitation in her voice. "Ekaterina's lying because she's a meanface."
"Well, if you weren't brushing your teeth, you'd want to start because if you don't brush them, they'll hurt. And you'll have to go to the dentist to get them fixed."
"What's a dentist?" asked Sevvie.
"They're the person who takes care of your teeth, like a tooth doctor." Illiam looked to Xander worridly. "Sevvie, darling, it looks like we're going to have to take you... to the dentist."
Ekaterina picked up Seva and placed into the carriage. Today they were going to visit the dentist. Illiam was along for the ride, not wanting to miss this important milestone in his daughter's life (actually, it was because Seva would try to escape if just Ekaterina was there). The carriage went down the streets of the capitol, until it finally approached a large building of red bricks, and the trio got out.
Ekaterina opened the door for Illiam and Seva, and they entered a large waiting room, where devils and demons of all shapes and sizes waited, sitting in chairs or on the floor. It smelt of blood and raw meat. Illiam shuddered as he approached the receptionist's desk. The receptionist instantly recognized him. "Oh, your holiness! Plam, get the Doctor, Her Imperial Highness is here!" (Ekaterina corrected it in her mind to Imperial Highnesses).
A plump imp flapped her way over to the three. "Hello, I am the dental hygienist, Klax. Please come in. There's a room waiting for you." Seva went excitedly into the room, decorated with pictures of smiling child pit fiends with perfect teeth, baby skulls (Ekaterina hoped they were just models) and diagrams of various teeth. There was a single large bed-like couch, and three smaller chairs, as well as a large sink. Klax handed Illiam forms. "Please fill out these forms, your Holiness. We must know all we can about your daughter and her dental habits."
Illiam handed the forms to Ekaterina. "You fill them out."
"NO! She'll do them all wrong!" shrieked Sevvie. "Let me fill them out."
"Darling, you can't read all these difficult words." said Illiam. "Ekaterina will do it."
"Well, she better say that I have perfect teeth, and I take the best care of them, ever!"
Ekaterina had made significant headway on the form by the time the dentist entered the room. A fog of thick black smoke accompanied him, as well as another one of his assitants, pushing the cart. The dentist was a tall, spindly black-skinned devil, with crooked horns and a mouth with more teeth than Ekaterina thought could ever be in one mouth. He was wearing nothing more than a blood-splattered apron and a toolbelt, from which hung pliers, knives, and a small mirror. On the cart behind him was a drill, a bowl of teeth in all different sizes, razors, a decanter of endless water, and a funnel.
Seva was not one to flinch at the sight of blood. "Hi Mister Dentist Man! I'm Seva, and I have the world's best teeth!"
"We shall see about that, your majesty. We shall see. Please, lay down on the bed, and open your mouth. We will examine the... infection." The assistant took the mirror from the doctor's toolbelt as he snatched the forms from Ekaterina. "Not brushing... eating sweets.... not good. Not good at all."
"Ekaterina filled these forms out and she's a big liar!" protested Seva.
"Well. We shall see." The dentist took a hooked device from an apron pocket and looked in Seva's mouth as the assistant held up the mirror. As he looked inside the Princess's mouth, a sick smile came over his face.
"Oh. Oh, what sickened teeth. We may have to... extract them."
Seva screamed louder than Ekaterina had ever heard her yell before, jumped off the bed, and ran away.
Illiam pounded on the door to the small room that Seva had hidden herself in. "Young lady, please open the door right now! We have to do something about your teeth!"
"Yes." said the dentist, who had rested his hands on Illiam's shoulders. "We may have to... remove them all."
"Okay, that's a bit much." said Illiam, looking back at the dentist and shaking his shoulders to try to get his extremely long-fingered hands off. "Can't anything else be done?"
"We could drill into the teeth and then add fillings or regenerate the teeth." replied the dental assistant.
"See Seva?" said Illiam. "Your teeth are safe, dear!"
"I don't want them to drill into my teeth! It's going to hurt!!"
Illiam looked frantically back at the pair. "Don't you have something for the pain?"
The dentist opened his mouth to speak, but the assistant interupted him. "We can give her laughing gas. I'll go get the pumps."
"See, Sevvie? They'll make you laugh. Laugh while your teeth are being drilled!"
"I wanna go home!"
"Well, we're not going home until your teeth are fixed. So let's get it over with, okay?"
"Can I have ice cream afterwards?" asked Seva.
"Um, probably not." said Illiam. "Your teeth need time to heal."
"Will you play Dolls Hell with me afterwards?"
"Yes, dear, we can play Dolls Hell."
Seva slowly opened the door. "Fine. Okay."
Ekaterina sat in the waiting room next to a gelugon, reading a book on penguins. "Ekaterina!" Seva jumped on Ekaterina's lap and opened her mouth widely. "Look, my teeth are all better!" Ekaterina couldn't really tell the difference, but nodded. "And the laughing gas was a lot of fun!"
"Well Seva, I hope you have learned an important lesson on dental hygiene!"
"Yup. If you don't brush your teeth, you get to go on the nice gas and then your dad will play Dolls Hell with you!" Ekaterina sighed as she took Seva's hand to help her into the carriage. "Do you want to play Dolls Hell with us, Ekaterina?"
"Oh, Sevvie, you're always so mean to the dolls."
"That's because they're in doll hell!" said Seva with a smile. "And I'm the princess of doll hell."
"You're the princess of real hell, too." said Ekaterina, patting Sevvie on her horned head.
"That's right!" Ekaterina helped Sevvie into the carriage, and hoped that it would be a good long time before they ever came back to this place.
Author's Notes: This was originally a three-parter. Unlike most stories that come in multiple parts, this one was completed. It apparently took half an hour to write, and involved research into old timey dentistry.
Length: 1347 words
Date: December 17th, 2014
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