Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sniplet 54. The Visions of the Prophet Atryom


Part I: The Goddess Reveals Herself To Her Prophet
And Behold, I was having an afternoon snack when she revealed herself to me! And upon her head she was crowned with nine stars, and she held three orbs, bound with metal thread, two bound to one, and her radiance was like the burning cosmos. And she said “I am the Starry One and my time comes soon, and so before it comes I shall make you a prophet, so you may prepare the path for my coming. And I bowed before her and told her I would be her prophet, and swore myself to her but she said, “You are bound to yourself and yourself alone- I do not bring binding but Total Universal Soul Freedom- I do not bring chains but the tools to cut them. But to you I shall give my message and I shall show you my signs, and you shall spread them to the world, for this is the New Spiritual Age which prepares for my coming. My birth comes and that right soon- my death with it.”

Part II: The Goddess Explains The Era We Are In
And I bowed before the goddess and I asked of her, “What does the new spiritual age mean?” And she told me: “It is the age not of the flesh. Of the spheres above, not below. It is the era where gods are born once more. And it is also an era where people are really susceptible to joining cults. I have no idea why that is but it is a useful fact at least.”
And I asked her: “When did this age begin?”
And she answered: “Upon the death of Aaia.”
And I asked her: “When shall this age end?”
And she answered: “I only know of the future the parts I have lived.”

Part III: The Crowns and The Rings
And I looked at the goddess’s head and not only was she crowned with nine stars, which burned twice as brightly as they should, and then, when I saw further, thrice as brightly as that, but a crown of bloodstones.And that was the crown she had fought her sister for and won- the crown of iron and bloodstone.
And she saw me looking at her crowns and she said, “I shall give you two crowns, which I hope to give to all mortals.” And she produced two crowns. And the first was made of iron and copper, and was studded with coal. And the second was made of copper and tin, and was studded with quartz.
And I asked the queen, “Why is the first crown studded with coal?”
And so she touched the coal and it became diamond. “It takes time, but it becomes precious.”
And I looked at the crowns, wondering if I should put them on. And so I attempted to put them on my head and she stopped me. “Only the first one can this head bear. The second is for another.”
And I tried to remember if I had another head, or if there was any sort of species that had a second head, and the goddess sighed and said, “I shall give you a second sign.”
And so she produced three rings, and one was made of silver, and one was made of gold, and one was made of copper. And the silver ring was studded with fluorite, and the golden ring was studded with carnelian, but the copper ring had them both.
And I looked at these signs and I wondered what they meant and I asked the goddess and she sighed and said “Maybe you should look it up in a book or something.”

Part IV: The Three Sisters
And next the goddess showed me three sisters, who were alike and different. They were born to the same mother but each had a different father. And these three sisters were of royal blood. And she showed to me that these sisters were each talented in their own way, and two of them were well-known and beloved, each with their own supporters and allies. But the third sister was unknown- and her accomplishments were given to the other two sisters. None truly knew her name. Even those who saw her thought she was one of her siblings.
But the goddess said, “Look!” And I saw that the sister was finally being shown- she took her place on her own throne, and had her own friends and supporters at last, and was given her own crown. And behold, she had two inheritances, one of this world and one not of this world, while her sisters only had one each.
And I looked upon this scene and wondered what it meant. Was there a secret Alkavov sibling or something? Frankly, this part was extremely confusing.

Part V: Some Rubbish With Birds
And next the goddess showed me a bunch of birds, and it was at this point I started to loose focus. There were so many birds, and I could hardly recognize all of them. Of course I recognized the stork, what Uldoki citizen can’t recognize it, it’s on our damned flag, but there was also a bird made of metal, and an eagle, and a slightly different eagle, and a very ugly eagle, and a swan, and a dodo bird, and a goose, and many more birds that were unknown, and I began to doze off as the birds danced around before me, and I had the feeling that this was all very important but I knew not why.
And at the end the goddess looked to me and said, “Do you understand now?”
And I told her “No, I have no idea what any of that meant.”
And she looked as if she wanted to scream and said, “I thought you were supposed to be a professor of religious symbolism at the university! Aren’t you supposed to understand all of this?!”
And I informed the goddess, “No, you are thinking of my brother, people get us mixed up a lot.”
And the goddess let out an extremely small scream and rubbed her forehead and said, “When does your brother come home? Now I’ve got to show all this stuff to him again!”

Part VI: The Goddess And I Have An Argument
And I told the goddess that this was just great, this was the first time I ever felt like I was special, like I had really picked to do something important and she was like, “Okay I am sorry about that but this is a very critical mission, my message must be carried out!” And I told her that I could do that just as well as my brother, I could copy down any message she had as long as it didn’t have to do with birds, and it wasn’t like I had a job or anything so I could spend all my time spreading her message. So I begged and pleaded with the goddess and demanded to be her prophet.
And the goddess finally said, “FINE! You can be one of my prophets. Now, ugh, where was I?”
And I asked the goddess who the other prophets were and she said “Well I guess I could show you that.”

Part VII: The Other Prophets Revealed
And behold, the goddess showed me the sun, and the moon, and the moon’s daughter, who was also the moon, and the thief of stars, and the circle in the square in the triangle in the circle, and he who had made the crown of bloodstone.
And she showed me how the crown’s maker had fallen, despite his will.
And she showed me how the crown’s maker had fallen, despite his love.
And she told me: “There is only one thing that can create, and that is pain.”
And she told me: “There is only one thing that can create, and that is love.”
And I asked the goddess if that wasn’t you know, a direct contradiction and she sighed and told me it was a metaphor.

Part VIII: The Final Revelation
And finally the goddess showed me herself enthroned at last, and her throne was one of three. And the first throne was hers, and the second throne belonged to the moon’s daughter, the moon. But the third throne was yet to be occupied.
“She shall take her place on the throne when it is time.” said the goddess. And she pointed down to Aaia and there were three heralds. And the first was the moon, and he had a trumpet, and the second was the maker of the crown, who was now her herald, and he had a sort of electronic piano thing, and the third was unknown to me, as they were draped in white, and their instrument as well I knew not.
“Are these the three sisters?” I asked the goddess and she sighed and looked at me condescendingly.
“Nope! Nope! That is a completely different concept!” And in an attempt to distract me she pointed to the three orbs she still held, the ones that were connected with chains, and she pointed to the pillars that held up the planets, and upon them was a word I could not read.  
And the goddess told me the word which was the most important thing she had told me. And the word was the true jewel, more precious than any she had showed me, and and the word was all. And now in her grace I shall give you the word to share with others. And the word the goddess told me, the word that made it all make sense, this precious word was


Part IX: Conclusion

And then the goddess had left me, and my brother came home and asked me what was going on and why I was shaking and if I had managed any luck on the job search today. And I told him of all I had heard and seen, the the goddess’s story and visions, and of the gifts she had given me, and he told me that I probably just had a bad dream and was making it all up. But that is not the truth. The truth is what I have written down here, for all to read, and spread the message. If the visions the goddess has sent me have touched your life I encourage you to copy this pamphlet and give it to others, so that the message may continue further, and we shall all hope to understand the future that is so dangerously before us.

Author's Note. Another religious document written in the world. I enjoyed writing it. And if you want an analysis, it's on the google drive version of this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ER9S6euh2y1xqYGbcrtVkbA542nCdVSZRLkUAcItoDA/edit?usp=sharing
Word Count. 1774 words
Date. June 24th, 2015

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